
Welcome to an immersive world of knowledge and inspiration! With our curated collection of captivating talks delivered by industry experts and visionaries, we’re certain you’ll find something to tickle your fancy.

Bundle deals May 14th
May 14th
Recruitment and Retention + Nuclear
May 14th
Recruitment and Retention + Digitalization and Maritime Security
May 14th
Nuclear + Digitalization and Maritime Security
Bundle deals May 15th
May 15th
Underwater Radiated Noise + Long-term Environmental Sustainability in Shipping
May 15th
Underwater Radiated Noise + Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN)
May 15th
Long-term Environmental Sustainability in Shipping + Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN)

Full Day Passes

Full day conference May 14th​
Full day conference May 15th​​
2-Day Conference May 14th-15th

May 14th

09:00 – 11:00
120 min
presentations & questions

Recruitment and Retention - Cultural Differences & Life Onboard

This session explores the issues with recruitment and retention and dives into various aspects of crew diversity, including gender representation, global recruitment, labor shortages, cultural disparities, bullying issues, and the importance of providing recreational and inspiring accommodations for crew members.

Perle Møhl, Associate Professor, Centre for Maritime Health and Society, University of Southern Denmark 

Suneeti Bala, Co-founder of International Women Seafarers Foundation
Diversity / Competence – Myths and Truths 
Suneeti Bala is the co-founder of International Women Seafarers Foundation which works towards increasing the participation of women seafarers in shipping and providing a good work environment for them. In this presentation she will talk about some of the myths and truths relating to diversity and competence.

Emilie Posniak Hansen, Architect, OSK Design 
Crew Living – A home away from home
Seafarers spend a substantial amount of time in small communities isolated out on the ocean. They face all sorts of challenges when sailing, maintaining, and living on the vessels, which in fact is their second home. How can we improve this home away from home to ensure improved cooperation, crew comfort and a happier crew?

Helene Pristed Nielsen, PhD, DEI advisor to the Royal Danish Navy Command
Navigating by principles of equity and inclusion 
The Danish Armed Forces in general have seen a remarkable increase in the number of women volunteering for initial military training. But when it comes to employment as professional soldiers, the number falls drastically. The talk briefly presents a few initiatives the Navy is currently pursuing in order to increase our attractiveness and retention for all staff groups.

Momoko Kitada, Professor, Head, Maritime Education & Training, World Maritime University (SE) 
Will the same strategy work in the promotion of women seafarers and the one of LGBTIQ+ seafarers?
With the 18-year research experience of gender issues in the maritime sector, Professor Kitada explains the commonalities and differences in promoting women seafarers and LGBTIQ+ seafarers. The presentation introduces new initiatives of increasing diversities in the maritime sector and discusses the role of maritime education and training.

Lisa Loloma Froholdt, Senior Researcher, Head of Research Unit, Centre of Maritime Health & Society, SDU, Denmark
Using an Occupational Safety and Health approach to address bullying, violence and harassment at work as a robust recruitment and retention strategy
Following instances of bullying and harassment on Danish-flagged ships, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs asked the Danish Maritime Authority for an investigation to clarify the problems. On behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority, the CMSS/University of Southern Denmark investigated the extent on Danish ships. Based on a high prevalence of bullying, harassment and violence in the fleet, this presentation addresses these issues by proposing some hands-on action points that can contribute to both the needed retention and recruitment in the Danish fleet.

Lene Kromand, formerly SIMAC (now OUH, Odense University Hospital)
What do women want? 
Females rarely apply to the jobs at sea or other jobs we, as a community, identify as masculine. Is it because males are better at technique, wiser, think smarter, and are stronger than females, or do females simply have other wishes for their jobs and educations than males do? 

Dennis Arnt Valgren, Maritime Psychologist and Leadership Consultant &  Frederik Fredslund, Head of Learning & Development, Maersk Training 

Camp learning as a way to create more inclusive leadership at sea 
Maersk Training has, as a part of a cultural transformation, conducted +65 four-day Camps around the world in the past 1½ year. The Camp is an immersive learning experience targeting Senior Officers to raise self-awareness and empower them to lead a more inclusive culture onboard, where everybody feels psychological safe.

11:00 – 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30
60 min
PRESENTATIONS & Panel debate

Nuclear - Drivers & Barriers

IMO strive to reach net-zero GHG emissions from shipping around 2050. Nuclear power, including molten salt reactors (MSRs), is also under consideration. In this session we will explore barriers and enablers for applying nuclear power for maritime propulsion including technological development, rules and regulations, risk assessments, ship design, life-cycle assessment, and public opinion. From this outset, we will be discussing nuclear power’s potential role in decarbonizing international shipping.

Bent Lauritzen, Senior
Researcher & Centerleader for DTU Nuclear Energy Technology

Navid Samandari, Co-Founder & CEO, Seaborg
Floating nuclear power plants
Seaborg will present the solution for floating nuclear power plants which they are working on, and address some of the barriers and enablers they have met.

Mikal Bøe, CEO, Core Power
Mr Bøe will present how international maritime and nuclear regulations are now being modernised to create a foundation for the launch of Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) and Nuclear-Powered Ships in the 2030s.

J. Robert Taylor, Guest Researcher (safety risk research), Centre of Maritime Health and Society, University of Southern Denmark

Cecilie Lykkegaard, Owner, CoSense

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch, exhibition, networking & exhibitor seminars

Free entrance to all exhibitor seminars
12:35 - 12:50
From current and “best” practice to future practice - integrated operational leadership training
By Doulgerof & Lamberg ApS on behalf of SIMAC Training
(10 min presentation, 5 min QA)
13:15 - 13:30
End-to-end digitalization - supporting the green transition one step at a time
By Nortech AI
(10 min presentation, 5 min QA)
13:35 - 13:50
Green future with alternative marine power (amp)
By MariTeam A/S as agent for Erma First ESK Engineering Solution S.A.
(10 min presentation, 5 min QA)
14:00 – 16:30
150 min
presentations & questions

Digitalization and Maritime Security

Development of digital tools poses both opportunities but also new risks for the maritime industry. The integrity of GPS signals is compromised, causing chaos and Black Ships pose a new threat. In this session, we will address the advancement of digital technologies and discuss pros and cons
Since digitalization is continuously reshaping the maritime shipping industry, this session delves into the transformative effects of digital technologies on maritime operations and security. We explore how innovations such as big data, IoT, and generative AI are not only optimizing shipping logistics and operational efficiency but also presenting new challenges and opportunities in securing our maritime capabilities.

Lars Bo Larsen, NFC – National Defence Technology Centre

Mads Wacher Kjærgaard, Manager, Standards, Innovation & Research, BIMCO  
Using AI for leaner, cleaner, and smarter charter parties
Preparing a signed charter party is good governance, but is increasingly seen as a “task without value”. It is a time-consuming and laborious manual task often eventually completed long after the voyage has been completed. To help make the process faster and more efficient, BIMCO is developing AI tools to “re-imagine” the charter party for 21st-century shipping.

Hans Anders Pedersen, Pilot & Instructor, DanPilot
Navigation and pilotage under conditions with unstable GNSS and AIS signals 
Now and then, we are experiencing significantly changes in navigation like phasing out of traditional analogue ways of navigation, how can we as pilotage providers handle the challenges and risk, we face in relation of unstable GNSS and AIS signals?

Katja Egemose, SIMAC 
Preparing for GPS failure
The once infallible GPS has revealed flaws and inaccuracy caused by human and AI interference. This session will discuss how navigating officers are taught to prepare for GPS failure

Mette Bennedsen, SIMAC

Andreas F. Wehowsky, Founder & CEO, Muninn
What is t
he current cyber threat and risk? How is cybersecurity approached by companies (maturity level, risk appetite with focus on the maritime sector) and why is AI important in cybersecurity for threat detection and prevention.

Christian Hendriksen, Ass. Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Generative AI in the Maritime Sector: A Transformative Technology or A Waste of Time?
We have entered the Age of AI, but what does this mean for the maritime sector? In this short presentation, Christian Hendriksen outlines the contours of what the 4th Industrial Revolution may mean for maritime firms and professionals.

Henning Heiselberg, Head of Security DTU, Senior Scientist, DTU Space 
DTU does research on maritime surveillance from space to seabed. We use AI for analysing satellite imagery, anomaly detection, acoustic signals from seabed optical fiber sensors, etc. As a result we monitor Dark Ships and Critical Infrastructures.

17:00 – 19:00
May 14th, 19:00

Networking dinner

Indulge in an evening of networking excellence at our exclusive dinner event during the maritime fair. Join industry leaders, innovators, and professionals for an evening of connections, collaboration, and camaraderie. 

Enjoy a 10-course sharing menu with 2 glasses of wine & coffee at Restaurant Mør.

Don’t miss this chance to dine, engage, and elevate your presence within the maritime community. Reserve your seat now for an experience that blends fine dining with invaluable networking opportunities.

Save 10% with our bundle deals

Bundle deals May 14th

Recruitment and Retention +
Recruitment and Retention +
Digitalization and Maritime Security
Nuclear +
Digitalization and Maritime Security

May 15th

09:00 – 10:30
120 min
presentations & panel debate

Underwater Radiated Noise - Challenges & Solutions

In January 2023 the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 9) agreed on draft revised Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping in order to address adverse impacts on marine life. This session explores the challenges, possibilities, and solutions related to marine life and the environment. It highlights the effects on marine life, damage to the environment, and the importance of rules and regulations in addressing these issues. 

Frederik Schur Riis, Head of Green Ship of the Future

Joseph Praful Tomy, MAN Energy Solutions / DTU Construct & Max Steden, MAN Energy Solutions 
As a system provider, MAN Energy Solutions takes the responsibility for URN by including the simulation of acoustic noise generation and the prediction of noise radiation into the design process. This implies to look at the entire propulsion unit as a holistic system of interacting components affecting all kinds of emissions.

Jakob Tougaard, Professor, Department of Eco-science, Aarhus University 
The impact of underwater noise on marine life
In this presentation, Professor Jakob Tougaard from Aarhus University will present insights from his research on how underwater noise from shipping impacts marine life.

Øystein Solheim Pettersen, Head of Section, Noise & Vibration Maritime, DNV (NO)

Søren Enemark, Danish Shipping

10:30 – 11:00 - Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00
120 min
presentations & panel debate

Long-term Environmental Sustainability in Shipping

While facilitating global trade with immense economic significance, maritime shipping also poses substantial environmental challenges to the ocean’s ecological equilibrium. It is about more than just reducing carbon emissions – this session will address the various elements that comprise long term sustainability in shipping looking at minimizing air and water pollution and promoting ecological balance. Additionally, green financing can play a crucial role in supporting these efforts.

Thomas Roslyng Olesen, Maritime Research Alliance

Christopher Rex, Head of Sustainability & Research, Danish Ship Finance
How to finance the green transition 

Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping  
The pathway to meeting IMO’s GHG reduction targets
2024 will be an important year for meeting IMO’s ambitious GHG reduction targets to deliver net zero emissions from international shipping, by or around 2050. IMO member states are now creating the global regulatory framework to catalyze the transition in shipping, including a maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism for adoption in 2025.

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Professor Maritime Environmental Science, Chalmers (SE)

Marja Koski, Professor, DTU Aqua
Chemical discharges from shipping and biodiversity at the base of the marine food-webs  
Ocean’s and coastal seas are at the heart of the global biodiversity crises. For instance, a minimum amount of Danish seas can be characterized as having a good environmental status, and pollution from both land and sea-based sources contribute to the current poor state of the marine environment. Shipping needs to address its effects on marine biodiversity – however, it is not always clear what these effects could be. I will give an overview of the potential effects of diverse chemical discharges from shipping on plankton – the base of the marine food-web that we human’s depend on.

Janne Fritt-Rasmussen, Senior Researcher, Aarhus University 

Jakob Steffensen, Director for Biodiversity and Eco-Innovation, DFDS

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch, exhibition, networking & exhibitor seminars

Free entrance to all exhibitor seminars
13:10 - 13:25
Unique new oil purifying technology that supports the maritime business to improve productivity and sustainability
By COT-Clean Oil Technology AB
(10 min presentation, 5 min QA)
13:35 - 13:50
Fuel savings by real time guidance on optimal hydrodynamic conditions
By SAJ Instrument Ab Ltd.
(10 min presentation, 5 min QA)
14:00 – 15:00​
60 min

Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN) ​

Andreas Bach, Director Maritime Systems Innovation RISE, Manager Swedish Maritime Technology Forum
Andreas has long experience of the maritime industry and has been working in the field of maritime energy transition for the last 10 years. Mainly focusing on energy efficiency, new energy carriers and ports as energy hubs.

MAREN – Possibilities and challenges in maritime energy transition
Frederik H. Milling, Head of Naval Industry Affairs, Danish Maritime
Frederik has some years of experience in the maritime industry and has contributed to initiatives within the maritime energy transition but have primarily worked with the naval sector.

Linda Cathrine Hald, Senior EU advisor, RENERGY Cluster
The Norwegian Renewable Energy Cluster RENERGY is involved in several innovative projects for zero emission solutions within the maritime sector. The clusters value chain approach connects the energy sector with the maritime sector, realising some of the first zero emission pilots at harbours and vessels. 

Lasse Pohjala, Senior Business Advisor, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK / EnergyVaasa
VASEK is a part of EnergyVaasa, energy technology cluster. EnergyVaasa is a hub of 180 companies aiming for high-tech solutions. They see the importance of R&D and invest in it. 90 % of Finlands R&D work within electricity and automation happens here in Vaasa. 
 As a business advisor at VASEK, Lasse takes care of networking in the Nordics, bringing not only the leading technology companies but even the SMEs in Vaasa to join the Scandinavian co-operation for sustainable future technology.

Project Nordic Roadmap
Kristina Kern-Nielsen, Environmental Consultant, Litehauz ApS
The Nordic Roadmap project charts a comprehensive course for the transition to sustainable carbon-neutral fuels across the Nordic region. The project facilitates knowledge sharing, alongside the launch of pilot projects and studies that will build experience in new fuels and establish green shipping corridors

Wind powered Ships
Sofia Werner, Lead Researcher Wind Powered Ships, Ph.D. (Naval Arch.), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Wind Propulsion for Ships – possibilities and pitfalls of an emerging technology

Save 10% with our bundle deals

Bundle deals May 15th

Underwater Radiated Noise +
Long-term Environmental Sustainability in Shipping
Underwater Radiated Noise +
Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN)
Long-term Environmental Sustainability in Shipping +
Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN)

Full day passes

Full day conference May 14th

Full day conference May 15th

2-day conference May 14th-15th

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